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What is the Password Reset? What can I do there?

The Password Reset is your one stop where you can change/reset your password, unlock your account, and update other Okta enrollment information.

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Can I use my single username and password on all systems?

No. The single username and password applies only to systems listed on the login examples web page.

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Can I log into one system and gain access to all systems?

No. Even though the username and password is the same for each of these systems, you must enter the username and password whenever you want to access one of them. Logging into one does not give you access to all.

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If I change my password when I log into a campus computer, do I need to change it at the Password Reset?

No. Once you have changed your password on a campus computer or through the Password Reset, your password has been changed for all of the systems.

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I don't know my username. Do I have one and how do I find it?

  • New Students who register over the phone via Contact Center (531-622-5231) or register in person at a campus will be emailed a letter that contains their username and a temporary password. This letter will be mailed out 3 to 5 business days after the date of enrollment. Username can also be retrieved online 24 hours after registration by visiting OPE电子竞技官网's Password Reset.

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I can't find my username, my information doesn't match? What can I do?

You must verify your identity to find your username. When you enter the verification information, your student ID number (or Social Security number), last name, birth date, street address, and ZIP Code, it must match the information in our College database.

If it doesn't, you must contact Contact Center (531-622-5231) or stop by Student Services to have this information corrected. Once you have updated your information, you should be able to successfully find your username.

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How do I enroll in Password Reset?

Most users have been enrolled in Password Reset automatically.

When accessing the site the first time you will need to configure Password Reset by following these directions: Configure Okta Password Reset.

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My new password isn't accepted; what's wrong?

  • The new password did not match when you re-entered it or it doesn't meet the password requirements.
  • Make sure you entered the new password exactly the same in the "New Password" and "Re-enter New Password" fields and try again.

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What are the requirements for selecting a password?

  • Passwords cannot contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name that exceed two consecutive characters
  • Passwords need to be at least 14 characters in length
  • Passwords need to contain characters from each of the following four categories:
    • English Uppercase characters (A through Z)
    • English lower case characters (a through z)
    • Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
    • Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %)
  • Complexity requirements are enforced when passwords are changed or created

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